Monday, May 11, 2009

Momprenuers of Bartow County!

Attention Ladies - I want to let you know of a great new group that has been meeting over the past few months. It's called the M.O.B.s - short for Momprenuers of Bartow County. We meet once a month to share positive advice, tips and business ideas with other women home-based business owners. Here is a recap of the April meeting group:
April Wallace - Bartow Buzz Local Family Magazine - offers advertising specials just for MOBs members
Christy Dunn - Tastefully Simple Distributor
Tammy Howard - Belles N' Beans Consignment Boutique of Hwy 411 in White
Kristy Carnley - Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics -
Debbie Payne - - Bookkeeping Services
Lara Jeanneret - - Graphic designer
Vicky Ruggles - Scentsy Candles Consultant
Margaret Robinson - who has a dream of opening her own cafe!
and of course - me! The Kendal

We shared thoughts on home schooling and learned you can find lesson plans at

Christy let us know that the next Mistletoe Christmas Show at Trinity will beheld on Nov. 14th. You can contact her directly for more booth rental info.

If you are interested in joining our great group of ladies, you can visit our blog at Momprenuersofbartow, search us on Facebook or use the links from my webpage to get to more info. We are casual, kids are welcome and be sure to bring business cards to swap - and best of all - it's FREE!

Our next meeting will be held the the Sweetmarket Deli on Main Street at 7pm on May 26th. Hope to see you there!