I can't wait for Sundays to roll around when the new sales/rebates start at my favorite stores. Last week I posted my FABULOUS savings ($13 for over $400 worth of products!). This week's specials weren't so great but I still did load up on savings. See my break out below:
Summary Total at Regular Price $78.60
Total Sale Price Saved $19.51
Total Coupons Used $37.54
Total ECB Earned $17.00
Total CVS Savings $74.05
What did I get for $4.55?
2 Dove Body Wash (reg $8.99 each - final cost to me -3.50 each)
2 Dove Deodorants (reg. $3.50each - final cost to me - 1.00 I MADE $)
2 Boxes Raisin Bran (reg $4.49 each - final cost to me $1.25 per box)
4 cans Campbell soup (reg $1.49 each - final cost to me FREE)
Palmolive Dish Soap (reg $1.69 - final price to me .72)
Aveeno Shampoo (reg- $7.49 - final price to me $4.00)
4 Mentos Gum (reg. 1.69each - final price to me .44)
Gillette Razor (reg. 9.99 - final price to me .99)
Real Simple Mag (reg. 499 - my cost 3.99)
Halls Cough Drops (reg 2.59 each - my cost 2.59 for both)
I used a $5 off $25 coupon and last week's ECB and, although ultimately it cost me $4.55 - I actually paid $0 out of pocket yesterday by using the ECB.
Cool huh?
Summary of other receipts:
Publix - Total at Regular Price: $23.73
Sales/Coupons Used: $17.03
I bought 1 of the B1G1 Free products, plus used my $.01 PUBLIX coupon (Free Greenwise Toilet Paper) - Went home with the TP, 2 boxes cookies, 2 Wet Ones Wipes, Box of Cheerios and a Lysol Spray.
Rite Aid - Total at Regular Price: $ 66.16
Sales/Coupons: $39.51
Rebates Earned: $11.00
Total saved at Rite Aid $50.51
I went home with:
Febreeze (reg 5.99 - final cost to me $1.49)
2 bags Halls Cough Drops (reg 2.49each - final cost to me $0.50each)
Vaseline Sheer Lotion (reg 6.99 - final cost to me - .99)
St Ives Scrub (reg. 5.29 - final cost to me .01)
Crest Toothpaste (reg. - 4.49 - my cost 3.99) - Only bought to get the free mwash
Scope Mouthwash (reg 4.69 - FREE WITH PURCHASE)
(2) 2pk TONE soap (reg 2.99 each - my cost .49each)
2 GE Light bulb pk (reg 4.49 each - my cost FREE)
Always 80ct Liners (reg. 6.99 - my cost 3.49)
Off to Ingles today....I'll report back later. LOTS of coupons expire this SATURDAY, esp. the Proctor & Gamble ones - so be sure to check yours and see what's on sale this week you can stock up on!
UPDATE: Ingles Shopping trip #1
I had my 6 year old with me so I didn't have the patience to get my entire list, but I did cruise the cleaning isle...I bought things that were not on sale (See Rule #1) but I had too many B1G1 Free coupons expiring...
Total @ Regular Price: $41.16
Advantage Sale savings: $1.16 (unusual for me but I had coupons expriring)
Coupons Used: $16.24
Doubled Coupons $ .50
Total Spent: 25.90
Total savings $15.26
What did I get for $15.26?
Clorox Bleach - Not on sale but I had to have it today
4 Casacde Rinse Aid (reg. $2.15 - my cost 1.15each)
Swiffer Duster Kit (reg 4.31 0 my cost 2.31)
2 Pilsbury Cinn. Rolls (reg 2.08 each - my cost .50 each)
Goldfish Food - Another must have
2 Mr. Clean Erasers (reg 2.98 each - my cost 1.49each B1G1)
2 Swiffer Shine (reg 3.78 each - my cost 1.89 each B1G1)
Mr. Clean w/Febreeze (reg 3.26 - Purchase for FREE item)
Mr. Clean Spray (reg-2.98 - my cost FREE)