Saturday, December 27, 2008

Post Holiday Clean Up Tips

AFTER Holiday but BEFORE New Years, TIPS

Now that the holidays are over, don't just stuff your trimmings in a box nor your trash in the dump - THINK about how you can re-think the way you end this holiday season and how it carries over to next year. When you only have a couple of days off - it's easy to throw it all back in the box but DON'T! Read through the following tips to tweak your routine in order to start the year off right - and get yourself better prepare for next Christmas!

Use these simple steps as a starting point to a great new way of
Simpler Living...

As you starting pulling down your tree and gathering your other holiday decor, designate one area to collect and put everything there. I use the dining room table. I pull all my empty storage bins, tissue paper for wrapping delicate ornaments and my camera to the room. I go from room to room, gathering all the things to store and take them to the table. I try to separate the items into "piles" that will be stored together or stored by room what room they go in. Example: All Christmas balls go in one storage bin so they are placed together because I place them throughout the entire house. Everything that I use in the kitchen (cookie cutters, hand towels, etc) goes in one bin, so next year, when I start my holiday cooking , I can pull this one bin out to use if I haven't put up my other decor yet.
After I have been to each room and EVERYTHING is on the table (or surrounding floor!), I begin to pack. Each item is cheeked for damage and put in the "donate" pile if damaged or unwanted. Sometimes I go several years without using an item - when this happens I may keep it separate for a few years to see if I still want it. After a few years of not using it , I will offer it to my brother or it goes in the "donate" box. I also make a list of what I may need for next year (lights, etc).
By carefully packing UP your items this year, it will make Unpacking them next year a breeze. I photo the inside of each bin and place the photo on the outside with a label. This helps me find items later.
Read on for more great tips....

RECEIVED HOLIDAY CARDS - Chances are, with this year's economy, you didn't receive as many holiday cards as usual - but what do you do with the ones you did get? St. Jude's Children Ranch accepters used cards until Feb. 28th. The children participate in making the new recycled cards by removing the front and attaching a new back made with recycled paper. The new card is a beautiful, “green” card made by the children and volunteers. The benefits are two-fold: customers receive "green" holiday cards for use and the children receive payment for their work and learn the benefits and importance of "going green". For the address and more details, please click HERE. The Kendal Companies will also collect your cards and mail them for you. Contact Kendal HERE for more details

TAKE STOCK NOW - not next December! Take a minute to make a mental list of what you need to restock for next year. Holiday wrapping supplies can be found at drastically reduced prices in January. Store gift wrap in tall kitchen trash cans that can be easily stored. Keep all your holiday wrapping supplies separated and stored with your holiday decorations. This keeps it from combining with your everyday wrap and handy when the holiday comes back around.

ORGANIZE your WRAP - Take loose rolls or scraps of ribbons and roll them around an empty paper towel cardboard roll. Use a paper towel stand to stack rolls of ribbons that have their own holders. Use a clean small trash can to stack the long rolls of wrapping paper up. To keep rolls from unrolling and getting crushed, roll a rubber band around each roll, instead of taping the ends. This makes it easy to pull out what you need. Take a sturdy shoe box and fill it with everything you need to wrap - extra Scissors, multiple tape rolls, gifts tags, pens, etc. Any torn or unusable ribbon, save for kid's crafts in a clear tub. They can be used for homemade cards and crafts next year.

SORT your DECOR, as you put it away - Go through an examine each item before you store it. If it's broke, get rid of it. If it still holds sentimental value - then store it with other valuable items, NOT with your usable ornaments. Do you have tons of things you keep but don't use? Don't put it back in the closet. Collect these unwanted treasures in one box and donate them to a children's shelter for their use next year, or contact me HERE and I will keep them for next year's Un-loved Decorations Swap.

ORGANIZE your DECOR - Use everyday household items to retire your decor for the year. Egg crates can hold delicate ornaments. Tissue paper and gift bags from this year's gifts can be packed with holiday tins, towels, stuffed decor. Put all kitchen holiday utensils such as cookie cutters, snowman salt and pepper shakers and holiday paper plates all together and store OUT OF THE KITCHEN and with your decorations. You only use them once a year, keep them with the other holiday items. Keep all the same holiday items in clean, matching, PLASTIC tubs. Label the outside with a picture of the contents.

DONATE unwanted gifts - It's sounds terrible to "re-gift" but if you don't love it and it's only going to end up in the closet - move it out. Take it to the women's shelter. Donate to the military overseas. Give it to your mother - just move it from your house! This is YOUR year to de-clutter, don't start by keeping unwanted gifts.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Start the New Year Early.....

To start this week, BEFORE you fall back into your old routine, check out out great Tips and Helpful Hints for getting a head start on your year by packing up this year with a little more thought. There are great organizing tips for packing gulp holiday items, what to do with all those Holiday cards you received this year, and great ideas for starting your "action Plan" for the new year. Our Opus Sorority book swap is a great way to start purging those books, magazines and other media from your personal space. There are also great tips on how to start your own home recycling systems. However you start making those small changes to make your life simpler, just start - just like in the lottery - if you don't play, you can't win - and de-cluttering your life is defiantly a win.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Looking ahead to January...

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season so far - I am working on the website updates for Jan. and need a little input. My focus will be cleaning up, clearing out and starting anew. I'm looking for your decluttering, recycling, home inventorying, etc tips. Things you actually use or do everyday that help. If you want to leave your name, I'll credit you on the tip if I post it on my website. Until then, keep warm and Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December Website Updates

Search our pages and you will find simple ideas that make a huge impact. Check out our list of tips and helpful hints for throwing a simpler, but still elegant, holiday party. Instead of the usual Holiday Dinner, try the step-by-steps instructions on our SIMPLE BRUNCH page which includes pictures, recipes and a shopping list.

There are also great craft projects for children, classic holiday decor ideas, and fun facts for December. Our TOADILY HANDMADE on line store can save you time (and money) with unique and personal gift ideas such as a personalized SKIRT PURSE or a Chocolate Christmas Bouquet. Send those you love a special handmade holiday card instead of plain store-bought ones. Ski Slopes calling your name? How about a holiday away from home? Our travel site has last minute holiday specials for you. Also - mark your calender for January 5th. Our first quarterly Opus Sorority Book Swap is scheduled. Come join us as we kick off the new year!

December Creative Night

Thanks to all the ladies that came out last night - our group was small and it was a little chilly, but we had a great time! I finally started the coral paintings for my dining room and Peggy got a lesson from Marie on watercolors and Chinese brush techniques. The book swap had four new boxes added to the table for next time and the Christmas decor swap table was piled high!

Due to the cold weather season - we are considering taking a break from the actual creative process for Jan. and Feb. It's just too cold in the studio and the heaters did not warm it up enough last night. In Jan. we will just hold the Opus Sorority book swap and in Feb. I hope to invite a lady who is a "Creative Coach" to speak. Keep and eye on the website and your inbox for details. click on the Creative Life Studios or Events tabs

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanks to the Cartersville Executive Business Women's Group

Thanks again to the ladies for inviting me to speak at their monthly luncheon. I really enjoyed it and I hope everyone learned some great new party planning tips. The presentation notes and photos are now posted. Don't forget to check for the recipes I promised!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

After the Show

The Rockmart Gift Show was yesterday and it went without a hitch! I am so proud of everyone involved in the show. From the vendors to all the helpers - everything went smoothly and we had a steady crowd all day. For pictures and more detailed info, please visit my website!

This week was extremely busy for me. Not only did I have the gift show to put together, I also had to cater Cartersville's ROOM WITHIN Holiday Open House (see photos below). They had a great turn out and the food went over well. I would like to thank Renee and Heather for using my catering business and for the generous gift they gave me (a wonderful large tray.)

On the same night as the Room Within party, I traveled to Cedartown to speak and have meeting food for the Delta Kappa Gamma Psi Chapter. This is a wonderful group of teachers, retired and active who meet each month. They are an international professional sorority for educators. The ladies were extremely nice to me and seemed to enjoy the presentation (and the food.) Thanks to Vivian Stitt for inviting me to speak.

The Friday before, I participated the the fall festival at Burnt Hickory Elementary School in Paulding County. Although the weather was cold, windy and a little rainy, the night went well and I met a great new vendor, Mrs. Shannon Crater (who I recruited to attend the Rockmart Gift Show). She does cute necklaces crafted from Hemp and jewelry beads. Good luck to her as she ventures out to try new shows!

Whew! Yes, I am exhausted, but satisfied. I hope to take a break this week and catch up with everything I have put aside as I have been so busy, but I'll take more work too! See ya next week.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Gift Preview Show Sat. Nov. 15th!

Don't forget! Next week is the big event. We all have been working really hard to get everything inline for the show. Please see my website for more info!

Monday, November 3, 2008

GIFT SHOW reclocated to new venue PLEASE READ!

Due to complications with our previous venue, our holiday preview show has been moved to the Fellowship Hall at the 1st Methodist Church in downtown Rockmart. With the change in location, the rental fee was drastically reduced and The Kendal Companies, in association with Mason Gift, Inc. proudly announces that there will be NO booth rental fee for this event. We do hope that if you participate, you will consider a $10 donation to the church instead. It is not mandatory and you will not be turned away if you do not donate. This venue will allow a more intimate setting and provide the vendors a broader spectrum of flexibility. This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your business to gain local exposure.

The show will still be held on Saturday, November 15th from 12pm - 5pm. So far we have items ranging from designer purses and jewelry to handmade cards and gifts. The Kendal Catering Company will have small plates of catered foods and beverages on hand. We are still looking for local artists, crafters, food vendors and small business owners with limited advertising resources.

If you or someone you know currently has their own small business, whether it's arts and crafts, fine gifts, or offers creative classes - this a great time to get EXPOSURE at a low cost. We suggest having on-hand products to sale, have an entire display for "window shoppers" to see what your business offers, provide order forms for custom made or wholesale orders, or simply place your business cards out and "meet-and-greet" with potential customers.

Keep shoppers LOCAL by giving them a preview of what your business has to offer.
Support your local artisans and business owners by forwarding this email to your friends family. For all vendors, we will be sending out E-vites to this event next week. Send us your email addresses and we will forward this E-vite to your friends, family and business associates FOR FREE! Admission for customers will be one can of food for the church's food pantry - which provides food to local families. This is also a DONATION only contribution and will not be required for entry.
Whether we have 2 vendors or 20, our Holiday Preview Show promises to be a relaxed, casual afternoon full of EXPOSURE for you and a great pre-holiday gift buying experience for your customers.

TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT, please contact Kendal at the address below. We will reserve you a table and space on a first come first reserved basis. If you chose to bring your own table, please let us know so we can accurately plan for you a space. We want to keep vendors with the same product lines from having competition and are carefully selecting our vendors. Spaces must be reserved by Nov. 12th at 5PM.

FOR FREE ADVERTISINGin our evites, please email me your business information and any ad copy in .jpg form by THIS WEDNESDAY, Nov. 5th. If you miss this deadline, you may still be able to advertise for free next week, but I cannot guarantee it.
Tables will be provided and spaces will be reserved on
a first come first reserved basis.
You MUST pre-register, no one will be admitted the day of the show.
For more information, please contact me at:
or visit my website

Mrs. Kendal Spinks HallThe Kendal Companies
Join Our Mailing List!

Send us your emails and we will forward this coupon and show info directly to YOUR friends, family and business associates!

Forward email

Monday, October 27, 2008

Booth Rental Available for Holiday Preview Show

One more thing before I head out - my friend Peggy, who owns Mason Gifts and I will be hosting a Holiday Gift Preview Show in Rockmart, Georgia on Nov. 15th. I invite you to attend and actually meet me and see the great things I have to offer in person - as well as meet many other local artists, crafters, creative teachers and much more! For more info see my website at and click the EVENTS tab.

We also have a few booth spots open for rental if you are interested. They are only $30!


Jekyll Island Golf Club.....

Working on a big order for the UGA/FLA Golf Classic at Jekyll Island Golf Club for this weekend! Hopefully it will provide great exposure for me! They are putting my football chocolates in all the golf player's wives gift bags -I am so excited! Wish me luck as I travel back to the Golden Isle for the big game (and golf event) this coming weekend. I'll be sure to post pictures and updates as soon as I get back next week. GO DAWGS!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween is almost here!

...and it's not too late to send our great handmade cards! I have about 10-12 cards left and it's not too late to get them out in the mail. I can send them direct for no additional cost to you or ship the cards to you for $2 postage. Get them before the last ones go! You can see all cards on , seller name:kendalhall OR on my website and click the TOADILY HANDMADE store tab.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back from the Golden Isles

..and back to work. Hope to have the mid-month newsletter out the evening and working on some new products and sources. Hope everyone had a nice weekend like I did!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Just letting everyone know I will be unavailable until Monday. I'm taking my annual birthday tript o Saint Simons. Email me directly if you need me before then. Chow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Last Night's Creative Studios Event

Another great evening of creativity~ We had a wide range from beginners to masters! Check out the pictures below and see for more info

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Festival This Past Weekend

Had a great!!! time at Hamilton Crossing Elem. School Fall Festival on Friday. Sold lots of skirts and TONS of suckers! Check out the pix....

Here's the new skirts.....

If you know of any more local festivals coming up, please send me the info. THANKS!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Halloween Cards

Lots happening around The Kendal Companies! So much that I can't keep up with my own blog! Let's see....after I came back from my vacation in Helen (wonderful by the way!) I have been working constantly. Check out the updates on my website - new October ideas and new Halloween cards:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fall Festival Chocolates

Check out what I've been working on this week......

200+ chocolates for an elementary school fall festival! Good thing I am leaving today for Helen for the weekend! See you on Monday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chocolates, Chocolates and MORE Chocolates!

What an exciting past few days! Last week, not only did I have my first order of chocolates, I had FOUR orders - and all had to be ready in 24hours! I was up to my ears in chocolates. First, A Paulding county elementary school ordered their school mascot, the wolf, chocolates for a PTA dance on Friday. Then, a Polk county school called to tell me that they had submitted approval to order the yellow jacket for that weekend. Bartow Buzz magazine ordered a ton for their anniversary event on Saturday and yesterday, a Bartow county Elementary school ordered their school mascot and Halloween molds for their fall festival next Friday! On top of that, I have donated four different shaped chocolates to Operation Bartow Cares for the Bartow Business Association Luncheon next Wednesday....Whew! Like I said, chocolates, chocolates and more chocolates! It's so exciting how this business has taken off so fast. I am researching new companies to buy wholesale chocolates and supplies to lower my costs - anyone know of a place other than Wilton?
I've also been working on the next Open Easel Night. I think I am going to extend the hours so that people have more time to work and don't have to stay so late. What does everyone think about opening the doors at 5:30 instead of 7pm? Let me know your thoughts and ideas! Last month was great and I am expecting a larger group in October.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Last Night's Creative Studios Event

Despite a rain storm early late in the afternoon, we had a great time at last night's creative event! THe studio looked great, we had plenty of supplies and lots of people ready to work! We even had a couple of people try out some new techniques and mediums. You can checkout the pictures under my website's EVENT page. We are really going to push the membership drive thoughout September to make it even better October 6th.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday caos!

Another week gone before I know it! With the September newsletters out I have been able to take a break from the computer, so sorry about not posting all week. Let's see - this week, other than painting my dining room, I've been working on new soap and chocolate shapes and colors. It's really difficult to add color to the chocolates. I've been corresponding with a lady in Mobile who has some really great ideas for products. I'm working on those as well - more when I get the prototype ready. Still looking for UGA/GT ribbons and advice on making cheer leading bows, most of all I am really excited about Monday's Creative Night! Lots of questions through email, so hopefully that means lots of attendees! Sorry to be so short, but the morning just disappears before I know it. PLEASE leave me some comments! Thanks, K

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to work!

I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing Labor Day - I did. I spent last evening with my close friend (and family) Megan and her family. We did the traditional Labor day cookout and the kids ran around the yard all day. That's really what those long weekends are all about for me - spending time with those I love. I DID do some work over the weekend too. I created the new chocolates for our fundraisers. The flag is for Operation Bartow Cares and the Pink Ribbon will be next months fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I've decided to make all of my chocolates available for fundraisers at wholesale. IF anyone has an idea on how to market these to schools, etc, please send them my way. Have a great Monday, Oops! I mean, Tuesday! (holidays always throw me off.)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Grace doing her part..

Today while working on next month's newsletter, I decided that I needed "action" photos for it. Take a look at my "model" for the craft page.....